Price increase. Dirty words right? In the paper industry it’s never a sure thing when you start to hear the rumblings of a price increase.

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Price increase. Dirty words right? In the paper industry it’s never a sure thing when you start to hear the rumblings of a price increase.

From time to time, we will hear rumors or speculation that a price increase will be coming soon. Often times, it turns out to be just that, rumors. But other times it turns out that, yes indeed, there truly is a price increase on it’s way.

How does your current supplier prepare you for that moment when it comes to your packaging? Do they spring it on you last minute, giving you no options? Maybe they give you plenty of notice, but you’re not quite sure if the amount they are going up is fair.

All Star has always taken an open and honest approach when it comes to an increase. We work with our customers to make sure that we are out in front of things.

Has your supplier said anything about an upcoming increase? Give us a call, and we can help make sure that you aren’t in the dark.


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